Letters about the Downing Street Minutes
At the last South of Boston DFA meeting, we all pledged to write to our Representatives and Senators to ask them to have a full House hearing on the so-called "Downing Street Memo." This document (available at http://www.democracyforamerica.com/memo.php ) is proof that the Bush administration doctored intelligence, with the aid of Britain, to create a "reason" to invade Iraq. Despite this horrifying fact, the news media and our elected representatives have done little or nothing to publicly hold those responsible accountable for their deception and lies.
Please write to your respective representatives and to local newspapers and ask why there has not been a full hearing about the implications of this document to the American public.
And share your letters here (under Comments) so the rest of us can read them too.
This is my "letter" to Rep. Delahunt. I cheated and used email. I promise that I will followup with a call though. :>)
Dear Rep. Delahunt:
I hope that you will devote a session of Iraq Watch (my favorite show) to the summary of the minutes of a meeting of high British officials known as the "Downing Street Memo." It graphically demonstrates Bush's determination to go to war with Iraq well before the American people were informed of his intentions.
Below is a link to a copy of the minutes/memo provided by Democracy for America. This document has been ignored by the U.S. press despite it's shocking implications. It is a damning indictment of the mindset of Bush and his cronies nearly a year before the Iraq War. It should be read aloud into the record and discussed in a public forum, preferably in a full hearing in the House or Senate. The Bush administration, the CIA, and the Pentagon all lied to and misled the American people. As our Representative, you should make sure that we have an opportunity to hear those facts publicly and often.
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