Monday, January 01, 2007

John Edwards wows crowd in Portsmouth NH

At the Little Harbour Elementary School in Portsmouth, New Hampshire, John Edwards spoke to a crowd of over 1300. His message of "Tomorrow Begins Today" seemed to resonate with those who attended. South of Boston DFA coordinator Susan Haley posts in real time on the local blog, Below Boston, at the Edwards' event. Edwards had brief press conference exclusively for the bloggers who attended.

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At 10:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Edwards knows a lot about poverty, after all, he’s helped throw a lot of people into it with:

- his co-sponsorship of H-1b visas,

- his support for illegal aliens,

- his vote for MFN-China

but what about stuff like iraq war and the patriot act?

well, he voted for them too

About the only think you can say for Edwards is, he spent so much time runnign for president that he didnt have time to do more damage as senator

At 6:36 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well written article.


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