Friday, September 30, 2005

Leave My Child Alone!!!

Nancy Landgren of Duxbury, mother and peace activist, spoke at the last South of Boston DFA meeting. Access to student information by the military is required by the "Leave No Child Behind" Act. In order to be removed from recruiters' lists, a student (or his or her parents) must write a letter requesting same. Nancy was instrumental in getting the Duxbury High School administration to include"opt out" materials in the back-to-school packet handed out to students in September. She has listed several websites that provided the information and resources she used:

American Friends' Service Committee

Leave My Child Alone

San Diego Coalition for Peace & Justice
Project on Youth and Non-Military Opportunities
(This site has Spanish opt out letters)

Opting out (getting taken off the military recruiters' lists) can be done on an individual as well as a system-wide basis. Any student or parent can use materials from the above websites to opt out of the lists. This is more than a peace issue. It is a privacy issue.


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