Wednesday, May 31, 2006

DFA Table at State Convention

There is going to be a table at the convention sponsored by DFA Boston, DFA Cambridge, CPPAX, Various Progressive Dem chapters(PDA-Cambridge, PDA-Eastern Mass, PDS), and The Committee to Elect Jesse Gordon.

The organizers have been given 4 exhibitor passes per day. They need volunteers to help at the table particularly on Saturday during the voting. If you are a non-delegate and are interested in volunteering, please contact Jennifer McGoldrick at or call her at (617) 327-0275.

Maybe we'll bump into each other there.

DFA endorsements

John Bonifaz's campaign has asked South of Boston DFA to endorse him. I will send a message out to the whole group on DFA Link to see if I get any feedback. If you stumble on this page and would like to add your 2 cents about the potential endorsement, feel free to leave a comment here.

Meanwhile, if you like John and want to endorse him as an individual, go to DFA site and click on "Campaigns." John's DFA endorsement page should come up when you put in a Mass. zip code.

Democracy for America

Phil Dunkelbarger may be showing up on the DFA site soon and could use our support - even if we are not in his district. If enough of us from South of Boston support a candidate, we can note that on the campaign page and it might help convince DFA central to endorse our candidate. They have already endorsed Deval Patrick and Ned Lamont and lots of other progressive candidates across the country.

We really do have the power. . . if we want it bad enough.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Mission Accomplished!!!

Bush tries to look patriotic but continues to look more and more like the clown that he is.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The BLOG is up and going!!

Below Boston is up and running. We are blogging ourselves silly. Join us.