Next Meetup, I mean, Meeting - Dec. 7
The next South of Boston DFA meeting will be on Wednesday, December 7th (Is that Pearl Harbor Day?) at the usual time (7 PM) and place (Borders in Braintree). Possible items on the agenda:
1. Phil Dunkelbarger has sent in his answers to our endorsement questions. Phil also has his website up and running. Phil's website
2. Discussion about upcoming events with speakers after successful William Rivers Pitt forum on pre-war intelligence.
3. Forensics on Stewart mayoral campaign in Brockton. Jass' website
4. Make suggestions in COMMENTS.
Linda Hickey attended caucus training at Deval Patrick headquarters and will report on what she learned.
I was supposed to go with Linda but Susan Haley's curse of having car trouble along conspicuous major highways (Rte. 3) struck me on the way to meet her at Borders.
See you Wednesday.
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